Naval Defense Systems

Combat Management Systems is a software intensive system which has to be flexible enough to operate in a complex naval battle environment.

Air Defense System

Armed forces face emerging threat scenarios and the need to exercise increased security with reduced manpower and with improved response times. This scenario demands easily deployable, high-performance radars and C2 to support a range of challenging missions with high levels of reliability.

Land Defense Systems

Battle Management System (BMS) must be powerful, modular and scalable C4I system (Command, Control, Communications, Computer & Intelligence) that provide planning, tactical picture compilation, decision-making, threat evaluation and weapon control to meet current and emergent threats.

Technology & Innovation

Recognizing the importance of the long term and sustainable strategies for technology and innovations advancements, T&I is tasked to nurture and strengthened defence industries in Indonesia, and establish technology networks and collaborations with related defence industries in the world.